
Babysitting Babies and Book Reading.

Heyy, it’s Louu!

How is everyone? I mean I know it hasn’t really been that long since I last posted but I thought I would come and catch up and see how everyone is.. I’ve been a bit bad at writing every day like I originally said, but, I’ve been trying my hardest to come on regularly since I started this blog, I don’t think I’m doing that bad with things on here.

An update with me? The pregnancy is going well.. 16 weeks and counting, so not long until I find out the sex. People have been asking me if I want a boy or a girl and even though some of my family would like one or the other, I’m not fussed as long as he or she is happy and healthy when they enter the world.

Starting back with the meetings soon, here, there and everywhere… but, the funny thing is, I never get bored of doing those things, the travelling can get a little tedious, but it’s fun non the less.

What else? Oh, yeah.. I had to take my cat ‘Pip’ to the vets the other week. She just stopped eating, we didn’t know why. So, a lot of money and a lot of travelling later.. she’s feeling okay again, and is eating. So, all is good again on that front.


As I say, all is well and good with ‘Pip’ now, she is feeling much better.

I don’t really know what else to say. There is not a lot more to say really. Apart from the usual. Shopping, Shopping and spending time with family over the holidays. That seems to be it.


Be Happy, You Do You.


As always it would be so so nice if you could support me and follow me on my social medias and my Youtube channel.. I know I keep saying I’m going to upload on it but I never do, but, I’m still trying to get the confidence to upload something. I hope you’ll all bare with me while all this happens 🙂 Thankyou




Halloween, Happy news and sad times…

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Hey, it’s Louu!

Well, I’ve had a weird few weeks.. from a bereavement in the family to working out some possibly life changing news. I know sometimes I sound like my life is a bit like a soap opera but, a lot of the time, it’s the truth.. plus, I don’t really put in the boring and mundane things into my blogs.. (I don’t think people would like to read that kind of thing) Then again, people might like to read that sort of thing, and read into someones everyday life. I don’t know.

Anyways, back to the proper part of the blog. I’ve had a bereavement in the family. It came as quite a shock, to us all I think, but, we’re all getting there slowly, it sometimes doesn’t seem real. Then again, when does it feel real when someone dies suddenly…?

What else? Oh! yeah, thought people would like to know my work experience is going really well… I don’t know if I mentioned it in a previous blog or not, but I started a work experience (or volunteering if you like) to be able to try out that line of work before I decide if its for me, and I’m loving it! It’s going really really well!

SO! What have people been doing for Halloween? If you celebrate it that is. Did you dress up and go trick or treating? Did you dress up and go to a halloween, or did you just go to a halloween party like I did? I think I’m a little too old for trick or treating now, but, everyone has their own opinions on those kinds of things. So, each to their own I suppose.


Be Happy, You Do You…







Friends and Fears?

(Little disclaimer, if this is dated as 10/10/17 and it looks like theres two blogs in one day then thats because this blog is late.. I had a problem with the internet. This blog is for the 9/10/17)

Babysitting Babies and Book Reading.-27

Heyy its Louu!

Well… Another day, another blog post!

What have I done today?

Cleaning…! And lots of it. HaHa! Don’t take that the wrong way, Im partial to a bit of cleaning now and again, but, this was some next level cleaning. I swear, we were soon in the swing of things and got so so much done. It was great for me because I don’t like to leave a job half done. If I start a job, I have to get it finished. Unless it’s something that can’t be completed because of the need of a certain part.. etc…

Blog Post - Ribbonss

Blog Post - Card

Anyway, what else? I hung out with a few friends after the day of cleaning, we met up, went for a drink at the local, and then went for a walk. We ended up sitting on a bench near a large group of trees, and I kid you not, we could hear someone walking in the trees.. but, why would someone be in a large group of trees at 9.30pm AND when it’s pitch black in the trees. (It just doesn’t make sense.)

We were all sat on this bench staring into the trees to try and find out what the noise was.. but we couldn’t see anything or anyone in there. One of us even went in with a torch to see if anyone was there. He came back out and said that there was no body in the trees. We were all confused by that. We could still hear someone in the trees, for definite

It definitely WAS NOT just leaves falling from the trees, they have a distinct sound. Anyone would recognise it. This wasn’t that noise. It was, for sure, the sound of someone walking through trees and the twigs and sticks and old leaves crunching underneath their feet.

We never found out who, or what, was causing the noise as we had to walk one of our friends home for a certain time, but it certainly was freaky…


Be Happy, You Do You..







Back On The Blogging Game!

Babysitting Babies and Book Reading.-26

Heyy, It’s Louu!!

Eyy! I’m back on the blogging game again!! Even though I haven’t blogged on two consecutive days, they’re still close together, which makes me think that I’m starting to do well on the blogging front again, HaHa! I’m going to make this into a two day blog because I didn’t blog yesterday and I did a lot more yesterday than I did today, so, here goes…

Well, yesterday, I pretty much stayed at home while my mother and sister went out shopping, I didn’t want to go because, well, theres only so much shopping one person can really take.. I also went to a children’s party, which was fun.. My cousins little girl turned 4 and she had a little get together to celebrate it. There wasn’t a lot of family there, not really. Only her friends from school and that was pretty much it. There as face painting, and pass the parcel, you know, all the typical children’s party games.

However, before we left for the party, I took this amazing picture of a spider. I don’t know what compelled me to take the picture, I guess I just love the camera on my phone..

Blog Picture - Spider

It only lasted a couple of hours, so it wasn’t too long, if I’m being totally honest with you, I didn’t enjoy it that much because I couldn’t really do anything and I couldn’t go for a walk because it was too cold, plus, I didn’t know the area that well. So, well.. I guess I had to just sit there, in the kitchen, and do nothing..

Anyway, on to today. I’ve been shopping (Don’t seem to ever not have been shopping in any of these blogs!) and thats about it really. I kind of woke up a little too late to be able to do anything else.. (I guess that’s what you get for not being able to sleep until 2am in the morning!)

Anyhow, like I always say, i’ll try and get better at these blogs again, and try and do they daily, if not, once or twice a week..! And maybe, just maybe, I’ll start up my youtube channel, so I can vlog instead! Who knows!

Be Happy, You Do You,





Shopping, Make-Up and Music?

Babysitting Babies and Book Reading.-24

Hey, it’s Louu!

Well, where can I start with today..? I decided to treat myself for once. Decided to go shopping.. only got a couple of things, but, thats better than nothing… Right?

I’m not usually the kind of person to sit at home and do nothing, a lot of the time I have to be doing something, even if its just helping out around the house. I physically can’t just sit at home and do nothing (Unless I’m unwell, then I guess I’m forced to rest at home! HaHa!) 

Blog Picture Window

Anyway, back to today.. I went for a lovely meal out with a few family members.. It was so so nice, I always enjoy it, then, we went shopping (my favourite part!) we went to a few shops, and looked around to no avail, but then, BINGO! I found THE MOST gorgeous Playsuit that I couldn’t not buy.. Plus, it was in the sale, so how could I not?! I mean, would you say no to something thats ON SALE?! Yeah, me neither! HaHa!

Blog Picture OutFit

I decided to do my make-up when I got home.. I mean, I’m not that great but it’s something I enjoy doing. Experimenting with make-up and trying out different looks. Plus, I got a new nude coloured matte liquid lipstick which, by the way, I LOVE.

Blog Picture MUA

What else, I’ve recently discovered an up and coming artist called, Amy Holder! She’s SO GOOD! Her song is called ‘Anxiety’ and me, personally, I freaking love it! It’s so so good! It’s on iTunes, GooglePlay and Spotify. (If you search ‘Amy Holder’ in Spotify it should come up with her song) 



I know it would mean so much to her if you could take a listen, you know I’m always talking about making yourself feel good and trying to better yourself and doing things that make you feel good, this is something that makes her feel good so if you could please take a listen, that would be amazing! Thank you!


Be Happy, You Do You..



